Like anything else, the metal around your business needs to be retouched every now and then. A professional company will be able to refinish your metalwork and recapture that elegant craftsmanship that you are used to seeing. Gama Electrostatic Coatings
is the company that you can depend on for these types of services.
We specialize in refinishing metal products on-site. Refinishing services are a fantastic way to revitalize the appearance of your business without having to commit to buying new products. You may be surprised with how much a refinished metal product can add to the overall appearance of your property.
While applying the paint, there is virtually no fog or haze and our up-to-date spray guns are 95-97 percent efficient, meaning the paint goes straight on the metal surface and nowhere else.
If you have any questions about how we can help you or if you just want to know more about
our services, feel free to call us at (517) 230-1418.